
Showing posts from February, 2022

Tips for Boosting Your Fan Base With Facebook Insights

You know that it is important to measure your results with social media marketing in order to get the most out of your efforts. Luckily, Facebook has made it even easier to do just that! Some new metrics, called Facebook Insights, have recently been introduced on the social network in order to give you a better understanding of what your fans want from your page. Having that knowledge will make it possible to increase the number and quality of interactions and boost your fan base. Where are these Facebook Insights? To find the Insights, go to the left-hand sidebar on your profile page, just beneath your picture. You will see "Insights" in this sidebar. When you click on it, more options will open up, including "Talking About This," "Reach" and "Likes." What are Main Insights? When you click "Main Insights," you will be shown an activity graph for the past month. Clicking on each of the individual columns will rearrange the posts

Covid Insights

 Covid Insights

Purchase Information

 Purchase Information

Brand Insights

 Brand Insights Affinity Solutions is the first data-led intelligence platform that provides marketing,consumer barnd,covid, economic recovery, cc experience, consumer behavioral insights and purachase information.

Consumer Insights

 Consumer Insights Affinity Solutions is the first data-led intelligence platform that provides marketing,consumer barnd,covid, economic recovery, cc experience, consumer behavioral insights and purachase information.

Marketing Insights

 Marketing Insights Affinity Solutions is the first data-led intelligence platform that provides marketing,consumer barnd,covid, economic recovery, cc experience, consumer behavioral insights and purachase information.